Customer Service Department Export 2017 Customer Survey


    1. How long have you been working with Cosco Shipping Lines?

    2. What kind of cargo do you book with us (equipment type)?

    3. What sector do you support us in?

    4. Are you a direct client or a booking party?

    5. Are you a CIF or FOB customer?

    6. Are you satisfied with our booking procedure?

    7. Are you satisfied with our SI/ BL procedure?

    8. Rate our feedback response on your queries:

    9. Rate the timeliness of response from our Customer Support team:

    10. Rate the information quality/ feedback for your queries:

    11. Rate the friendliness/ attitude of our Customer Support Staff:

    12. Rate our T/S planning and transit time compared to other lines:

    Kindly give your comments for improvements:

    Kindly mention any problem you faced from our end with which you are not satisfied so that we can study it and improve our service:

    Thank you for taking out time to revert the above. We hope to serve you better. WE DELIVER VALUE.

    Please forward your feedback and suggestions to